January 25, 2025

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5 kickass indie games in 2020 that you might’ve missed (but should check out)

1 min read
5 kickass indie games in 2020 that you might've missed (but should check out)

Image: Nodding Heads Games. Article by Adam Rosenberg.

There was a lot of attention paid to video games in 2020, what with two new console launches and a global pandemic keeping everyone locked inside.

As usual, the bulk of the attention focused on major releases like Assassin’s Creed ValhallaThe Last of Us Part II, and Cyberpunk 2077. But also as usual, the year was marked by some powerful indie game releases as well.

We covered a fair number even. There was Carrion, a game of creeping murder where you commandeer a bloodthirsty entity escaping from a research lab. Through the Darkest of Times, a journey through World War II-era Europe as the leader of a resistance cell. And of course, the forever lovable (but shockingly dark??) Bugsnax, which is like Pokémon crossed with food.

But our games-loving team here at Mashable can only do so much. Lots of games drop every year and we always miss a few that we’d love to have talked to you about in some way. That’s why I’m here now. Before we kick 2020 to the curb once and for all, consider checking out these absolute gems that, for one reason or another, we were never able to highlight here on Mashable.

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