680-Metric-Ton Tidal Turbine Starts Exporting Clean Power to the Grid
1 min readPhoto: The O2 tidal turbine. Orbital Marine Power. Article by Chris Young. Interesting Engineering – July 29, 2021.
The firm behind the giant tidal turbine wants to build a fleet of the machines.
The nascent field of tidal turbines has gained a great boost as Scottish engineering firm Orbital Marine Power’s 680-metric-ton tidal turbine, called O2, has started sending power to the grid, a press statement from the company reveals.
The marine machine, which Orbital Marine Power describes as “the world’s most powerful” tidal turbine is now connected to the grid at the European Marine Energy Centre in Orkney, an archipelago of islands off the northeastern coast of Scotland. […]
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Video: O2 Installation – June 16, 2021.