January 25, 2025

Widthness LLC

Advanced Business and Technology – AI & Intel® Xeon® Powered

Bucking Convention to Track the Upside of Invasive Species

1 min read
Bucking Convention to Track the Upside of Invasive Species

A little over a decade ago, Jason Gleditsch was removing Asian honeysuckle when he noticed the birds. Robins and gray catbirds flocked around the thickets in autumn, attracted by the fat, ripe fruits. Originally introduced as ornamental plants in the early 20th century, Asian honeysuckle rapidly spread across the Eastern Seaboard of the United States, growing in dense stands that can shade out native plants. Conservationists often destroy these clumps. But Gleditsch, then an undergrad at Pennsylvania State University, noted something interesting: Native bird species seemed more drawn to the honeysuckle patches. […]

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