January 25, 2025

Widthness LLC

Advanced Business and Technology – AI & Intel® Xeon® Powered

Avoiding legacy technology stagnation – the importance of staying refreshed

1 min read
Avoiding legacy technology stagnation – the importance of staying refreshed

(Image credit: Image source: Shutterstock/violetkaipa)

In today’s hyper-competitive world, everything needs to be done faster, despite greater constraints and tighter budgets. So, it’s no wonder that when organisations face the need for a technology upgrade, they may end up skirting their responsibility to refresh in favour of allocating resources to areas they believe have more pressing needs, such as security. Yet in the long run, this detour can prove self-defeating.

Failure to update technology – even something as simple as employee devices – will invariably open the business up to far more costly and damaging issues further down the line. However, a technology refresh is about much more than just protecting the organisation from potential issues. The snowballing nature of technology advances means that any refresh will also create new opportunities for the organisation; from increased productivity to new capabilities. […]

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