Better Ways To Live Longer And Healthier
1 min read
As discussed in previous articles on dietary guidelines and reversing aging, science is a process of continuous improvement1,2. As scientists learn more about nutrition, they change their recommendations about diet.
Unfortunately, some people take this to mean that we are just guessing or that we don’t know what we are doing. In contrast, most professional scientists realize that science almost never comes up with a final answer. All we can do is develop ideas (hypotheses) that can be tested. The hypotheses can be modified based on the test results and then tested further. In the process, we usually discover things we never even imagined. This causes us to ask more questions, formulate new hypotheses and gain a new level of understanding. This is not just a mind game being played to amuse us. This process can have life and death consequences. Previous advice on nutrition (eat very little fat) turned out to be wrong or at least oversimplified (consume more omega-3 fats and fewer saturated fats). So, the discerning, thoughtful reader will realize that even the most up-to-date guidance can be misleading. Thoughtful people will continue to read scientific articles on diet and nutrition, so they can make the most intelligent choices possible. […]