How Brite Ranch uses technology to secure land by the border
1 min read
Brite Ranch trustee Jim White says before installing more security cameras and additional barriers around his ranch, he and law enforcement caught nearly $40 million worth of drugs the cartels tried to smuggle across his land. […]
Only the Rio Grande River separates Brite Ranch’s land from Mexico. There’s no wall. It’s been a part of Jim White’s family since October 1885 and was passed down from generation to generation. […]
White installed a security gate on the main road to stop traffic coming in and out and he also invested in a camera network. The wireless cameras are from a company in Ohio and are installed across his ranch. They’re all controlled remotely through a computer or cell phone. […]
He then learned about a company from San Diego that eventually came in and installed radar towers. These towers function as an electronic fence. He says the different technologies have made his ranch more secure for the families and employees of his ranch. […]