January 25, 2025

Widthness LLC

Advanced Business and Technology – AI & Intel® Xeon® Powered

Q&A: Better education starts with better Internet

1 min read
Q&A: Better education starts with better Internet

There is a direct correlation between children underperforming in school and their access to reliable broadband Internet, explains Alan DiCicco, Solutions Marketing Senior Director at Calix.

According to a report by the National League of Cities (NLC), rural communities have 37 percent more residents without access to high-speed Internet connections when compared with their peers in urban areas. This impacts more than residents’ ability to shop online, stream video or cruise the Internet. There is also an impact on education. The NLC report found that in the 21 states that are underperforming on education standards, 76 percent reported the digital divide as significantly disadvantageous for rural areas. There are vastly different opportunities available to people based on where they live. In order for children in rural areas to have access to the latest and greatest opportunities to complete homework outside of school, complete college applications, and so on, they need wide access to reliable broadband. To discuss these issues, Digital Journal caught up with Alan DiCicco, Solutions Marketing Senior Director at Calix. […]

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