UW-Stout student receives $10,000 Google scholarship designed to advance women in technology
1 min read
Photo caption: Kendra Aumann-Weyenberg won $10,000 from Google as part of a women in technology scholarship. (Photo: Courtesy of Kendra Aumann-Weyenberg). Article by Natallie St. Onge, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel.
When Kendra Aumann-Weyenberg was 15, she was inspired by a local librarian to code.
Aumann-Weyenberg, who was home-schooled, went to the local library to learn the basics of programming and HTML through one of its programs. The librarian encouraged Aumann-Weyenberg to go into the field.
“She was a strong female role model,” Aumann-Weyenberg said. “She convinced me to go into computer science.”
Four essay questions, one recommendation letter and a résumé later, Aumann-Weyenberg is one of 100 recipients worldwide to receive Google’s Women Techmakers Scholars Program award of $10,000. She is one of 20 in the United States. […]