November 3, 2024

Widthness Social Media

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A Future World

1 min read
Artists and Activists collaborate on 9 Mission Statements for the future

Artwork — Es Devlin X Kumbirai Makumbe: We need a world of radical inclusivity. Anuna De Wever X Stephanie Specht: Be brave enough to imagine a different world. Iddris Sandu X Gabriel Massan: I want to create a world where technology creates more access than excess.

 Text Claire Marie Healy. Dazed – April 9, 2021.

Artists and Activists collaborate on 9 Mission Statements for the future: Land for indigenous people, decentralization and radical technological access, poster art from the global artists and activists who are shaping what’s next.

Welcome to A Future World – Dazed’s network, community, and platform focusing on the intersection of science, technology and pop culture. Throughout April, we’re featuring conversations and mission statements from the people paving new pathways for our planet: activists, inventors, fashion pioneers, technologists, AI scientists, and global youth movements, alongside in-depth editorial exploring the new realities for our future world. […]

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